What is YOUR new years parenting resoltion?

Even if we consider ourselves pretty good parents, there's always room for improvement (and on our bad days, there's usually room for a lot). How could you be a better parent in the coming year?



Stacy said...

Going back to work after a maternity leave I'm going to try to focus on the quality of time I spend with the boys instead of quantity. I take my time at Bed time and read a few more stories then I usually would and spend more time playing then cleaning!

Anonymous said...

I have been making an extra effort to be more patient with my kids, and to do more different things with them, like crafts, and going out places that are fun and just for them.

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to relax more with my kids instead of tyring to keep them busy so I can get my own stuff done. I'll sit and watch a movie with them, or we will ALL play with the playdough or colour. I leave the housework until after they go to bed. It's working out quite well too, the kids aren't as cranky as they were before and I'm less stressed out too!! :)