My two year old shows no interest in talking

I have tried to encourage speech , but my child will just not tell me what he wants,



Anonymous said...

There's a really good program (and it's free!!) here in NB. It's the "talk with me" program. I don't have the number right off, but i'm sure you can google it or something. Worth looking into though if you are concerned.

Anonymous said...

RE: 2 year old not speaking... My son was just over 3 when he really started to talk. All children go by there own drummer and at their speed. Rules to go by:
1) hearing checked
2) sounds, can he/she make the basics? ma, da, ba, ooo, etc...
3) see an SLP. there are many that will do a free consultation and in my experience, you can get a referral from a local public health center.
Good luck and feel free to contact me. I have a vast knowledge of little things you can do to encourage speech and language:)

Anonymous said...

My son too didn't REALLY start talking til he was around 3. Though we knew he could saw a lot of words, he seemed to have trouble, or just not be interested, in putting sentences together. I would suggest that if you suspect thre is something wrong with your child you should for sure seek expert help now. If you feel that he is just not talking for what ever reason, I would do my best to encourage him to talk. Like, even though you might know he wants soemthing, dont give in until he makes at least some effort to talk. I would simply ignore my son's sounds, and a minute later he would say, juice please. :) Lots of things you can do like that. Have a look on for good books, and then order them to your local library for free.