Last Will & Testament

I am planning on getting a will done up and I am having a hard time choosing who should take care of my little one if something happened to me and my husband. Just wondering how who and why you picked the person you did?



J MacKenzie said...

That's a tough one, I haven't done mine up but I think without a doubt I would (and Dan too) would feel most comfortable leaving the kids with MY parents because the kids know them and love them. They go there about once a week for an after noon of playtime.

The McDonnells said...

We're in the process of doing this right now too and the way we chose our guardian was like this:

Who do we know and trust that is involved with our children, lives a stable life, has a secure job and is young enough to handle 2 children for the rest of her life on top of whatever she wants out of her own life.

Whoever you do choose, you might want to look into naming them as a trust on your life insurance policy so that the finances for your children are being handled by their guardian and not someone else.

Anonymous said...

I dont think anyone in the family could handle another child and even if they could I dont no who could bring up my child the way I want them to. I realize everyone parents in there own way and every parent is right but I seem to parent very different from the rest of the family. I do have a close friend that I trust but is it fair to choose the friend over family? I met my friend in university and she plans on moving back home when she is done school so would that be fair to the child and the family?

Anonymous said...

If you think that this person can best care for your child, then they most definitely should be the guardian. But, if this person is in school now...what if something happened tomorrow? Would she be able to support your child in the financial state she's in? Would she be willing to put her life on hold for a while? Could she juggle being a parent and being a student?

Anonymous said...

Not only that, but isnt passing your child over to this person life putting her in the hands of a stranger in her eyes? Does she even know this person?

Anonymous said...

Im not worried about money as we have a very good life insurance policy and right now I see her almost everyday well until exams are done then she is going home for a bit but she is great with the little one. This should be an easy choice but I think its the hardest choice I have ever had to make.

Anonymous said...

I completely know what you're going through. We haven't done up our will yet and we're having such a horrible time trying to figure out who to name the guardian of our children. I just can't choose between my parents and my husband's parents, and would they really want the responsibility of looking after 2 young children for the rest of their lives?
I just don't know what to do.
My sister would be my first choice, but at this point she is not financially stable and would she really want to become a parent over night? It's definitely a hard decision that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it would be best to speak to the people you are all considering having as the guardian. Just make sure you stress that they be honest about wanting or not wanting the responsibility.

Anonymous said...

This is a hard one... and I know it took my husband and I awhile to agree :-)) We went with 3 different couples (in order of who we thought would be best) I liked picking 3, as we do travel with family alot and what if something happened to all of us at the same time?? We also choose people who we thought would respect our beliefs in how we raise our kids (healthy food, loving home, active, outside time, no TV...) as well as people that were responsible and financially/family stable... This was not easy to do as the thought of leaving them at such a yound age is just so hard...