When to start playgrouping

At what age do you recomend that I should start my son in a playgroup?



Anonymous said...

how old is your little guy? you know most kids dont really play together till they are like 3 or 4, but i recomend age 2, which is usually when most kids start paralel playing. :)

Anonymous said...

I think that 2 is a good age to start playgroups too. Also consider that you are getting out of the house too, so even if your little guy is just playing in an exersaucer, and looking around at the other kids playing, you get out of the house to chat with some adults with can be very beneficial for both your health, and then subsequentially, your babies. Happy moms usually make happy babies.


Anonymous said...

I think it depends...I bring my 2 year old to playgroup and my 5 month old daughter has always come with us. She gets to socialize some with other kids even though she doesn't play with them. If I just had her though, I don't think I'd bring her unless it was a baby group (she does have a couple of baby friends that we visit with and she gets to interact with them). If you can find a group with children around the same age as your child, I don't think it's ever too early to start to socialize them. Whether they play together or not isn't entirely the point of a playgroup as far as I'm concerned. I think it's great for children of all ages to socialize with their peers and it's also important for moms to connect with other moms they can relate to.

Anonymous said...

i agree even if they don't play together they are around other children and watching what they do which can be a really great thing for development regardless! peer pressure can be a fabulous thing when we want them to do something :)

Anonymous said...

yep i think that as long as you are getting out and having a good time then that is important to