Family Size Halt

What will you do when you decide your family is big enough? Will one of you have a procedure done, or will you use good old fashioned methods of birth control and hope for the best?



Anonymous said...

I'm trying to make that decision right now.. We have made the mutual decision to halt at two children, and I go in for a C-sect in a couple months for our second. It's a hard one to make, but we aren't birth control compatible at all! We've gone through many struggles with birth control in the past, and I don't want to have to rely on the ol' pull it out method after this babe is born.. it completely has not been reliable :p I believe that is how this one came along ;)

Anonymous said...

hahahah, funny

I would never make hubby do anything he doesn't want to do, and this is one of those things. And I'm not sure I would feel comfortable getting my tubes tied.

My awesome friends/ neighbor, has 6 kids, and her and her man decided he should get his tubes tied before their family got any bigger. Any time we discuss anything related to family size or birth control she says "do not let him get it done" She told me that her hubby is so different now. She said the best way she can describe it is that he has lost some of his manliness. She said he is NEVER in the mood anymore, and is much like a cat or dog would be after they get fixed.. Which doesn't sound very appealing to me. Not to mention the fact that I would never be able to convince him to do it.

Nonetheless, I used to think well if I am having the babies and all that jazz shouldn't he go through something? I don't really think that way anymore. Pregnancy & child birth is a natural thing for a woman's body, having a man's hormones tied off is not natural, and will not be an option we will consider.

Stacy said...

I'm pretty sure we are done at 2, I've always felt the world was made for family's of four, but I'm not 100% and I'm still young so we're opting for an IUD - it'll give us 5 years to decide if we want another or not and we'll go from there. I've done the patch, the pill, rythm, pull out so hopefully the IUD will be a good alternative!

The McDonnells said...

I can't see myself ever being so sure that I'm finished having babies to ever consider doing something as permenant as surgical sterilization. To me, it's too final (even though you CAN have the procedures reversed) and I just can't see myself ever being in a position where I could make that decision and never look back. We'll just stick with condoms. That's what's worked for us for 10 years and if something happens, then I guess it was meant to be!

*Candace* said...

yeah we're in the same situation as Stacy (two kids). Pretty sure we're done but there's just a small maybe that lingers enough to make us not do anything permanent. I been on EVERY birth control going , can't keep up with daily, monthly or yearly methods and anything else has had too many side effects so we've opted for an IUD and so far ( had it for almost 5 months ) it's working wonderfully.

Anonymous said...

It's funny because my husband and I are in this situation right now. We have 2 children, and when I was pregnant with my 2nd child I actually felt guilty because we were so lucky to be able to have 2 happy healthy babies. So my husband and I did a lot of talking, and I mean A LOT lol, and we finally decided that my husband is going to get a vasectomy...he actually goes in a couple of weeks to have it done. One of the reasons that we decided on this is because it is a safer procedure for him to get a vasectomy then for women to get their tubes tied, also we do want more children but we now have 2 that are biologically ours and we would like to adopt to help out the many children that do not have families and that are not as lucky. I did not force him into this, he actually decided that he wanted to do this...part of the reason is so that we don't have to use condoms lol! We have had a few friends that have had a vasectomy and have not lost any of their "manliness", they actually enjoy sex more because there is not the thought in the back of their head about getting pregnant.