Toddler Throws Fits When It's Time To Go Home

Everytime I take my son out somewhere, even if its just out in our own yard, when it is time to come in he screams and cries and runs from me. It's so frustrating because I get to the point sometimes where I wont' take him outside if I know I only have a short time because I know when it's time to come inside he will scream and throw his fits. Here is what I have tried. I have tired telling him before hand that we will be going in soon, and remind him too. I have tired talking to him when he is throwing his fits and saying things like, you will go in time-out when we get inside if you don't stop, but he screams over me and doesnt hear a word I say. I have put him in timeout when we get in (to follow through on my threats). Nothing is working. I want to be albe to continue to take him out places but it's frustrating, and exhausting. Any advice?


Anonymous said...

I have no advice, but I am going through the same thing with my daughter (22 months). She also hates getting in her carseat as she would like to play outside instead.

Stacy said...

well the good news is that we have all been there LOL so you have lots of company.
I've tried to make it a game with my little guy, like when you hear the bell, the beep etc. it means it's time for a. snack b. leggos c. supper you get the idea. You can bring out a kitchen timer from the dollar store in the yard.
Sometimes I'll play a little game to make it fun like saying "is that the beeper" when really it's a bird or a car horn. He'll giggle call me silly and be excited and eager to tell me when he actually hears the beep.
Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

I'm having the same problem and don't know what to do. My son hits all the time. He slaps his father and I in the face all the time! It seems nothing is working.