Potty Training - Too busy to go

We have recently started potty trainging our 18 month old daughter. I know that may seem a bit young to some people but she is doing really well. She hasnt had a bowel movement in her diaper since Thursday. Telling us everytime she needs to have one and making it to the toilet. She is doing pretty good with peeing too. She will usually tell us if she has to pee and sometimes we will just take her anyways. (About every 30 minutes) The only thing that weve noticed is that when she has a friend over playing she will not tell us when she has to pee and when we ask her if she has to, she says no because she is too busy playing. Does anyone have any suggestions on how we can get her to still go pee when she is having too much fun? Weve tried stickers and even chocolate chips but she just doesnt want to be bothered when playing with a friend. And we dont want to force her to go!


1 comment:

Stacy said...

Ben was the same way with potty training, except that he was too busy ALL the time to go potty. what I did was bring the potty into the room he was playing in and get him to sit on it every half hour (used timer from the dollar store). After a solid week he was ready to be led out of the room and into the bathroom. You may have to hold off on playdates for about a week or two in order to have SOLID routine and then introduce other things ie. friends. I know a lot of moms have decided to not leave the house for a week to get things going with potty training. Good Luck!