Child Care Dilemma

I'd like to get some opinions on a situation I recently encountered at my childcare provider. I picked up my son one day, and he was wearing girl's clothes. I don't really have a problem with him playing dress up, and it was kind of cute, however my husband was concerned that his original clothing was removed. My son is not even 2, so of course his pants are removed for diaper changes and his clothes are changed if he gets dirty. My question is, should I say something to my childcare provider about this? I wasn't too concerned at first, thought it was just a good bit of fun, but the more I discuss this with other people, I don't feel I am comfortable with his clothing being removed if not needed.



Anonymous said...

How about asking the provider about the situation. You are scaring yourself but not going to where you can get an answer.

Anonymous said...

If you ar not comfortable, then I would dicuss this with your childcare provider. However, my child is almost two years old and there are times she INSISTS on taking her clothes off and wearing something SHE likes. I of course change her and allow her to make her own decisions. I would not be overly upset if my childcare provider did this and notified me, again I have my child in a public daycare so there are lots of eyes so I know my child is well taken care of.

There will be other issues to examine in the future. Such as what do you do if they are checking his bum, as this often happens if there are other children in the daycare. Or, what about toilet training, if they spill something on their clothes etc.,

You need to listen to your gut, as parents that is a good indicator and only you know your child. But, also know that your childcare provider will be somewhat "coparenting" with us as they are with my child almost 9 hours a day, so they will be changing her clothes, changing her diaper and also toliet training her. I have a lot of faith and trust in my childcare provider and with like 8 adults in the building and 30 other children, I know she is safe.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Hi...I'm assuming this is an in-home daycare? I worked in daycare centres for many years, and I don't remember once removing a child's clothing for no reason. To be honest,who has the time??!! But I agree with the first poster...ask the question before you worry. I'm also assuming his existing clothes were not returned dirty? So I guess I'd approach it kind of like "so, I really like that the kids get the chance to play dress up, but I was just wondering why he couldn't just put the dress up clothes on over his own clothes? I'd really prefer him to leave his own clothes on". Simple as that. It may just be a case that the dress up clothes didn't fit over his own clothes?

Anonymous said...

as a child care provider i would want to know all the details. for example we are so busy maybe she forgot to give the dirty clothing back.( i have lent clients clothing of my girls if there is not a set available). she i hope would supply a reason and that there is a good explanation. but do give her the benefit of the doubt.

Anonymous said...

My question is if his diaper was removed? Who was undressing him the childcare provider or the kids? I'm not sure I'd be comfortable with this either, I would mention my fear to the childcare provider. A mom's gut feeling is usually right on.

Anonymous said...

This seems really weird to me. It's too bad you can't just ask your child. I would definitely ask what happened, you have a right to know. Don't feel awkward about it, just be assertive. If there is nothing to hide then there shouldn't be an issue. Ask via a facebook message or email if you dont feel comfortable talking about it face to face.

The McDonnells said...

It sounds like you're over reacting. Perhaps it was just something simple like his diaper leaked or he made a mess eating, had no extra clothing and she put those on because that's all she had. Just ask her. If you aren't comfortable asking your child care provider a simple question and automatically assume the worst case scenario over something minor, perhaps you should think about what prompted you to send him there in the first place?

Anonymous said...

You ate probably letting your mind go a bit wild. Your hubby was probably just upset that is son was wearing girls clothes do you think? Done guys are weird like that lol

Anonymous said...

To answer all the questions, it took place in a public daycare. My son's clothes were not dirty. He also always has extra clothes there as well. This was a simple act of the worker deciding to remove my son's clothing to put on girl's clothing for her own amusement. When we came there, she simply removed the skirt he was wearing and put on his own clothes. My question was if I should think it was weird that she took off his other clothes to do this, rather than putting it on over his clothes. Sorry if I didn't make that clear enough.

Anonymous said...

OK, that 's different. YES, you should think it was weird. If a daycare worker has enough time to take a child's clothing off for amusement and dress him up in other clothes (girls clothes or not), then I'd wonder how much quality care is going on there. I'm serious when I say I worked in daycare for many years--big and very reputable daycares--and I've never even heard of anyone doing such a thing. It is not right and I would definitely have a problem with it. And I can't even imagine if my husband arrived to pick up our son (16 mths) and walked into that situation. It wouldn't be good.

Anonymous said...

I would not worry at all if I were you, as one person noted, children this age are always removing their own clothing, playing dress up, getting child's childcare center often removes their clothes and leaves them in diapers to eat messy lunches, paint, etc.
You have concerns though and it only matters how secure you are with your childcare - if you ever have questions I can only recommend you talking to the provider openly and honestly! You need to clear your own mind of worries - bottom line.

Anonymous said...

Really bizarre..