Second Pregnancy Like the First?

Im pregnant with my second baby and I want to know are pregnancies usually the same?



Stacy said...

Mine were pretty much the same. Both were text book pregnancies (ie no complications). I had much more morning sickness with the second though and gained the same amount of weight and they both came a week early BUT the second was easier mentally because I knew what to expect, the time went faster because I was busy with #1.

j mk said...

Mine were pretty well the same too. Nothing too different that I can remember.

Anonymous said...

I don't remember too much being different....I do know that my hips and lower back were sore with my second. That's about it though. I gained about the same amount, and the babies were about the same weight.

Anonymous said...

I don't remember too much being different....I do know that my hips and lower back were sore with my second. That's about it though. I gained about the same amount, and the babies were about the same weight.

The McDonnells said...

Mine both had complications, but they were like night and day! My first, I had pregnancy induced hypertension, was induced 9 days early and had a section due to failed induction. My 2nd I had very low amniotic fluid, cardiac complications and gestational diabetes and she was 3 days over due. The only similarity was they were both sections!

Unknown said...

mine were all first I barely even knew i was 2nd i was sick morning noon and night but had loads of third once again i was sick constantly but was exhausted

Anonymous said...

Every pregnancy can be different for sure. My sisters were both totally different. For my first I didn't have morning sickness at all but for the second I had morning sickness for 4 months and also found out I had gestational diabetes.