Are we over-protective?

You frequently hear, "My parents did/didn't do that with me, and I came out fine."

Do you think we are overprotecting, over vaccinating, over evaluating, under-disciplining, and over medicating children in this day and age?


Anonymous said...

in one word YES!

Anonymous said...

I think we are definatly over protecting in a lot of ways. For example, have you ever noticed all the parents at the park standing with their arms open in case the child falls? People didn't do that when I was younger, and I to was guilty of this until I realized what I was doing. A fall may hurt but teachers don't do this at school, so they need to get used to it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree we are more protective but with good reason.
We remember alot from when we were kids and most of it is the bad stuff that happened so we dont want those things to happen to our kids.
Times are also changing there is more around us to worry about and kids are getting into things at a younger age.
There is so many things in this world we are scared of and the more we see the more protective we tend to get.
I want to be the one to teach them right from wrong and I think it all starts when they are little and knowing they can trust us as we should be there to kiss them better when they fall.

Anonymous said...

I think that yes we are definatlye over medicating and over vacinating our kids thts for sure. i happen to think its a good thing that all the med for children under 2 is it, were recalled and taken off the shelves. There are other ways that moms and dads can be there to soothe and comfort and even cool down a baby or toddler besides just giving them some meds. and i happen to think that all the vacinating we are doing right now is contributing to all sorts of things! i bet more than half of us dont even know WHAT is in them and what we are injecting our kids with! I wont be getting my child done for most of the recomended vacines. me and my husband did our research and i think you all should too. sorry for all the typos everyone i am in a hurry but i just had to give my 2 cents on this one.

peace and love to you all!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that we are definitely over protecting our children, but as far at the vaccinating goes, I think that it is great that there are ways to protect our children from getting certain illnesses. Especially if they around other children!

Anonymous said...

We are more protective as a society because we do not tolerate the loss of even one single child. Our grandmothers expected at least one loss and our great-grandmothers many more. Nowadays parents have one, maybe two children and they are the center of our lives. A loss is devastating and life-altering for us.

Vaccines are necessary because of the prevalence of community daycares and more movement among populations all over the world. We can fly around the world in a day now, bringing back with us all sorts of things. Our children are exposed to many more diseases at daycare and in the community (going to the mall, playground, etc.). We now have vaccines to protect them from dying of all sorts of childhood illnesses. I have an autistic son so trust me, I did my homework on vaccines too. What is given in New Brunswick has nothing to do with what is given in the States so make sure your research is based on what is true for your region. My son, and his younger sister, are getting their vaccines because there is no reliable study which shows that they cause autism or anything else. There are, however, many records in history that show infants and children dying of childhood illnesses which can be prevented.

Anonymous said...

Have we become more over protective or has the changing world around us forced us to be more vigilant? Of course we used to ba allowed to roam the neighborhood and play. That was when community meant we could count on our neighbors to keep an eye out for everyone's children. Sadly this is no longer the case. Advancement in technology ... including cable TV has made us more aware of the dangers that have always existed. Isn't it only natural for us to fear what we now know could happen. As family size decreases there are fewer blood relations to help us with our chidren so has it not just become necessary to take on more burden that was expected in past generations? Is it over protective or just great parening? I choose to think of it as the latter.

Anonymous said...

The problems with over vaccinating is that the organisms you vaccinate against can mutate and become more dangerous. What's with the abundance of anti-bacterial hand soap we use on children? Germs are good in small doses and very necessary for a child's immune system. Keeping them in a bubble is dangerous. Giving them Nyquil or other medicines also don't allow their bodies to build up any anti-bodies, and makes them reliant on medication.

I see a lot of over-evaluating and over-protecting going on. Ever wonder why ADD and ADHD weren't a problem many years ago? We are lead to believe that these diseases are very prevalent, and often get frustrated with a child's unruly behaviour so we medicate them. Putting chemicals into a child's body doesn't seem like the safest thing to do. Also, it raises a generation of children that believe that behavior can be treated with medication. Now, medications for social anxiety and shyness are marketed in television ads.

Ranting complete. Enjoy the warm weather we are blessed with :)

Anonymous said...

You're totally off with your vaccine theory. Vaccinating against the things we vaccinate against on a regular basis and across the board keep those viruses in check. That's why you don't see smallpox and polio. When they start making an appearance again, it's due to people not vaccinating, not the other way around. I think the superbug theory you're thinking of is due to overuse of antibiotics, not vaccines.

Anonymous said...

I've too done my research on vaccines, due to the fact that my son has Autism.

Based on information that I've read, I'm a strong believer that we vaccinate much to heavily, and at some times, with no need.

For example. People born prior to the mid nineties, were all vaccinated ONCE with the MMR (mumps measles rubella) at 12 months of age. People born from after the mid nineties (I can't remember the exact year) were vaccinated twice with MMR. Once at 12 months, and once at 18 months. The reasonings behind it was that the FDA stated that 8% of the people orginally vaccinated from MMR were not immune. So, instead of doing a simple blood test to find out of the antibodies were present, they just decided to vaccinate the children once again at 18 months. so, 92% of children are getting a vaccine that they don't even need! Which brings me to the mercury debate in regards to the MMR. as per the FDA website, there is STILL traces of mercury in the Rubella portion of the vaccine, if given together (MMR as one vaccine, instead of each substance separately)

Why is the vaccine schedule of 1983 so bad? If you look at what children were given then, and what they are given now .. its sickening.

So yeah, I've done my research .. obviously in the complete opposite direction of some

Anonymous said...

I would also like to mention the fact that there is a substantial difference in the Autism rate, compared to now, and years ago. Although I'm sure that you are are quite aware of that.

Although I'm also certain that you may not find that strange, as I can see someone here commenting along the lines of "Well, we can detect it earlier, etc". Please, by all means think that, if it helps you sleep at night, and makes everything easy in your happy go lucky world, I'm ok with it! Because that is the furthest from the truth.
Its funny how biomedical intervention helps these children. If you take out certain foods in their diet, or try different supplements, there is improvement. Rid certain "heavy" metals from their body .. hummm... oh so strange?

But yes, Autism has nothing to do with vaccines, or anything else we shove into our children's bodies .. chemicals we use, products we use.. the ENVIRONMENT ...

ps - sorry for the typos in my previous post!!!

Anonymous said...

There is more mercury in fish than in vaccines and the kind of mercury stays in your body longer with the fish (and I`m not saying you shouldn`t eat fish) Vaccines SAVE LIVES!! The diseases that they prevent are only unheard of now because of the vaccines. I think there is much more harm in eating hormone and antibiotic filled meat than in vaccines which actually prevent devestating diseases. And you know what, you do have to consider that with earlier and better detection of diseases or disabilities will come an artificial `rise`in incidence of it. That is not a `so you can sleep at night`that is just plain common sense.

Anonymous said...

You can go ahead and keep on telling yourself that. But the Autism rate has risen. Yes, the professionals are more trained, or aware of the symptoms, but all in all, it has gone up.

I'm not saying that vaccines do not save lives. They certainly do. However, the amount that we are giving our children, in such a short time period. Is completely unnecessary. My oldest has Autism, my youngest does not. And with my youngest, I just stretched out the vaccine schedule, and went by a schedule that actually made sense, and was safe.

I'm slightly more proactive with my child than maybe some parents are. I went as far as to have my son tested for toxins in his body. And BOTH mercury and Aluminum came back HIGH. However, after some treatments with a Naturopathic doctor, he has NO traces of mercury in his body. His speech is age equivalent, social behavior is age equivalent .. oh wait, he is age equivalent overall. But, I have no common sense, and one has nothing to do with the other .. right?

I do believe that some children sincerely have Autism. No matter what you do, they can get better, but they still will always be behind, or have a lot of problems. It's it sad. I thank my lucky stars ever single day that my son has progressed the way he has.

But I'm sorry, saying one has nothing to do with the other, especially in our case, is hilarious. Clearly it does. And if vaccines, or anything else had to do with the increase in the Autism rate, do you honestly think we as parents, would find that out? Can you imagine the amount of money that the gov't would lose, pharmaceutical companies, etc, due to the extreme amount of lawsuits that would be filed?

We are all entitled to our opinions. And you certainly do not have to agree with what I have said. I am basing my information on facts, that have been proven. There is so much controversy out there with Autism - Why, what, when. It never stops. From my experience, talking to other parents, those who have a child who is recovering, or his high functioning, we all seem to be on the same page. As from our experiences, our children have changed dramatically. Even to the point of having the Dx removed.