Morning Sickness Solutions

So I just found out that I am pregnant with my second child. I found out because I have been really sick. When I had my daughter I was not sick even one day. And I do not mean morning sickness, I mean sick all day. From the time I get up until I go to bed, with a couple of hours in there where I feel okay. My doctor has already prescribed anti nausent medication that is for pregnancy. Which by the way, hasnt helped any! Does anyone have any suggestions or know of anything that helps sickness while pregnant? Please!!



Anonymous said...

I've heard that watermelon can sometimes help. I found sometimes Gingerale in small amounts would settle my tummy. Very bland foods could help too.

Anonymous said...

I had severe nausea and vomiting with both of my pregnancies (Hyperemesis Gravidum). I did not find diclectin helped at all. I was actually hospitalized for my second pregnancy and after several drug trials (diclecten,gravol,stemitil) we found a drug that helped me cope.(I was never completely nausea free) It was called Zofran. I have to warn you that it is quite expensive but they do make a generic that is a lot cheaper. I also found that milk helped a bit. Hope you feel better soon!